Establishing the Finance Function

Aufbau der Finanzfunktion des österreichischen Tochterunternehmens eines britisch/rumänischen Unternehmens im Energiehandel als Head of Finance


  • Accounting and FP&A of the Austrian subsidiary: sales approx. EUR 50M


  • Insourcing the accounting from the external tax advisor
  • Implementing monthly financial reports
  • Managing Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable


  • Taking over the accounting responsibilities and implementing ongoing bookkeeping
  • Building standard reports in MS Power BI


  • Monthly reports reflecting the current status of the Austrian company

Special Challenge:

  • The Austrian company’s main customer was a Romanian sibling company. However, after a few months, the sibling stopped making payments, which quickly led to a shortage in liquidity in Austria and the company ultimately slid into insolvency.