Your challenges are my field of expertise

Do these scenarios sound familiar?

There is no standardised reporting, showing KPIs which support decisions. In fact, there are no such metrics at all. The correct and decision-relevant KPIs must be worked out and regular reporting must be established.

The finance department is under pressure. Relevant employees leave the department, the entire department has been outsourced/off-shored or it is characterised by persistent “underperformance”. The finance function needs to be stabilized.

The finance department of your company must be transformed. Particularly regarding the use of technologies, you are “far” behind the possibilities – and behind the competition. Technology must become the driver of the transformation of the financial sector.

Then let’s talk!

Temporary management of the finance department

Support for technology-driven transformation projects

Clientele & Industries

Industry experience is undeniably valuable. However, new impulses are more likely to come from someone who has seen successful companies in other industries. This opens up new possibilities and creates perspectives.

I am commissioned by medium-sized companies, family businesses as well as corporations and start-ups.

Internationally Positioned? Absolutely!

Listening and understanding form the foundation for a successful mediation between finance and IT.